Business Writers: Reading round-up 19 May 2024
Manufacturing Matters: New IPPR report spotlights green-tech growth opportunities
A new report from the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) shows how the UK can gain a global competitive edge in net zero products and revitalise our manufacturing industries. The interactive maps in the report reveal some interesting points for our region.
Great Yarmouth has a regional comparative advantage in specialised green manufacturing. Ipswich is in the top quartile of regions with a high concentrations of industries that are similar to green manufacturing. Ipswich also features alongside King’s Lynn and Thetford as areas in the top quartile for employment in industries that are similar to wind manufacturing.
All this points to a huge opportunity for green technology industries to drive economic and jobs growth in the East of England. More details here: Manufacturing matters: The cornerstone of a competitive green economy | IPPR.
Using design to optimise buildings as systems for energy efficiency
Fascinating interview with the so called ‘Einstein of Energy Efficiency’ Amory Lovins (co-founder and Chief Scientist at the Rocky Mountain Institute). Talks about how ‘integrative design’ matters as much as, if not more than, technology when building sustainable homes.
Find out how his philosophy of ‘applied hope’ led him to build a passive solar house high in the Rocky Mountains, with NO heating system – where he can grow bananas! We’ve barely scratched the surface of how energy efficiency can help the energy transition (
OEUK Economy and People Report – Lowestoft event
Offshore Energies UK (OEUK) is bringing its latest offshore energy insights report to Lowestoft on 25 June. It will look at how the East of England can improve its competitiveness for investment, and develop supply chains and a skilled workforce. Details here: OEUK Economy and People Report Roadshow – Lowestoft Breakfast | Offshore Energies UK (OEUK).
SyncNorwich Startup Pitches #14 at Norwich Games Festival
Meet the Indy Games startup community at the Norwich Games Festival on Thursday 30 May 2024. SyncNorwich will be hosting a special session in its series of events showcasing local tech and creative talent. Booking details here: Startup Pitches at Norwich Games Festival, 30 May 2024, 6:00 PM | Meetup
Brandland Conference 2024 – Norwich
An afternoon of thought-provoking talks and lively discussions about branding on Thursday 27 June. Full details to be announced – early bird tickets available now. Booking and more info here: Brandland.
Time for the UK to lead on climate change action
New report from the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change looks at practical steps the UK must take to deliver on its net zero commitments. Makes the point that this is a global issue, the more we can help others tackle climate change the better it is for all of us. Advocates helping developing nations, where emissions are currently rising, to accelerate their transition to a clean energy economy.
Puts the emphasis on new technology to cut carbon emissions while driving economic growth but also says we must “consider whole-system impacts”. Interesting in view of the Amory Lovins interview above, in which he encourages us to think more about systems design and energy efficiency. More here: Reimagining the UK’s Net-Zero Strategy (
Free Innovation Network webinar – 12 June 2024
This will look at the ISO 56000 framework for innovation management. It will discuss how to establish and maintain a system that supports your business goals and strategy. Webinar: The ISO 56000 Series for Innovation Management – TWI (
Our occasional round-up of interesting roles in Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge:
- Chief of Staff, Vice-Chancellor’s Office, University of East Anglia – deadline 7 June 2024: Chief of Staff – UEA.
We hope you find these weekly round-ups interesting and useful. Please share your thoughts below.
“Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” – Mary Oliver