Business Writers: Reading round-up 9 June 2024
1) Norfolk Business Board recruiting representatives
The new Norfolk Business Board, launched by Norfolk County Council, is now looking for volunteers to represent the local business community. The Board will bring together representatives from business, education and local government. Its aim is to help drive the local economy by supporting the development of jobs, skills and infrastructure. For more information and to apply, follow this link: Norfolk Business Board – Norfolk County Council
2) Exploring Robotics & Cobots in Action
Don’t miss this free Future Fusion event on Thursday 20 June 2024. Organised by NAAME and hosted by Hethel Innovation it will look at specific uses for robotics and co-bots in manufacturing and engineering. Details and tickets here: Future Fusion: Exploring Robotics & Cobots in Action Tickets, Thu 20 Jun 2024 at 10:00 | Eventbrite
3) Cybersecurity event
Cyber East – the cyber security cluster for the East of England – is hosting its summer event in Norwich on 13th June 2024, 4-7pm at the UEA. Details and tickets (£10) here: Cyber East Summer Event- 13 June 2024, at 16:00 | Eventbrite.
4) New IPPR report identifies manufacturing opportunities in wind energy
The UK is second in the world for offshore wind capacity. However, it currently lacks the manufacturing capacity to meet domestic demand for turbines and other related equipment. The Institute of Public Policy Research has produced a new report calling on the new government to maximise the economic opportunity for UK wind manufacturing.
5) A plan to remake Britain
Watch this Britain Remade video to find out how we could get the nation building again, helping drive economic growth and prosperity.
6) How does your local constituency compare for employment and health
The Centre for Cities has produced a detailed constituency level study of economic wellbeing, employment opportunities, health and other factors affecting out quality of life. You can find out how your area compares to the average for England and Wales. Details here: Constituency data tool | Centre for Cities.
Our occasional round-up of interesting roles in Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge:
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